The album cover from the official soundtrack, released November 2000
The soundtrack for The Longest Journey was composed by Bjørn Arve Lagim and Tor Linløkken.
Tracklist (CD release)[]
0:00 Main Menu
2:01 Prologue
The Longest Journey Soundtrack (Full)-0
The Complete Soundtrack to The Longest Journey
3:41 Main Titles
6:39 Venice
7:43 The First Shift
8:41 Marcuria and the Northlands
13:10 The Gribbler
14:14 The Subway and Hope Street
15:05 The Great Library
15:40 Reading Music
17:21 The Gargoyle and the Labyrinth
20:10 The Storm and the Sea
22:20 Alais
24:02 Inside the Alatien City
24:55 The Deep and the Old God
26:40 The House of All Worlds
27:23 Jacob McAllen
29:54 Death and Rebirth
30:43 Danger
32:17 Into the Wormhole
33:48 Desolation and Well of Making
34:32 The Ghost House
34:09 The Tower
37:52 Epilogue
39:37 End Credits
43:06 The Longest Journey Suite
55:13 Dragon
1:00:21 Eagle
1:03:56 Dolphin
1:10:34 Unicorn
Availability of the Soundtrack[]
The official soundtrack released as a CD version on November 15th, 2000, but is difficult to obtain so many years later. A free download opportunity was available on FunCom's official TLJ website, but is unfortunately no longer there. However, purchases of The Longest Journey game e.g. on GOG.com come with the entire soundtrack as a bonus.
Version differences[]
The official album comes with the track "The Longest Journey Suite" (12:05), which is missing from the digital releases. Apart from slightly different arrangements of TLJ motifs, the Suite also incorporates pieces found as separate tracks on the web release. As a result, the CD release (77:10) is slightly longer than the web release (75:54), but has less individual tracks (30 compared to 36).
- One track not included on either soundtrack release is the ambient music playing in the foyer of MTI's HQ. It's just 17 seconds long, however the reason that it's not on either soundtrack is that it's probably royalty free music, not composed by Lagim or Linløkken. The home video company Quality Films SA in Mexico has e.g. used the same sample for their 1999 logo animation. From TLJ, the sample can be extracted as a WAV file by using TLJView, following the path The Longest Journey > Vanguard Building > Entrance Hall > entrance hall.